

This blog is created by the Interns of National Forest Library and Information Centre.

Circulation Services

Circulation Rules for NFLIC

1.  In order to avail the facilities and services of the National Forest Library one has to be its member.The Following categories of membership are available :
a. Internal Members: All forest officers, scientists, faculty, student, research scholars and other official of ICFRE, FRI and FRI Demand University constitute internal members of the National Forest Library.
b. Associate Members: Officers, facility, trainee officers of IGNFA, SFS College and FSI make up the associate members.
c. Special membership 

2.    Entitlement for no. of Books to be Issued:
a. Internal Members:
i.     Scientists /DCF and above: 6
ii.    Research Officers, Research Asst.: 6
iii.   Research scholar (JRF, SRF, Research/Project associate, Field/project assistant, Library fellow): 5
iv.   Student of Deemed University: 4
v.    Technical staff: 2
vi.   Other staff: 2
b. Associate Members:
i. Officers, Faculty of IGNFA, SFS College & FSI: 5
ii. IFS and SFS Probationers: 4
c. Special Members:
Up to 4 books on a life time non-refundable deposit of Rs. 5000/- and Rs 5000/- refundable security money.
 d. Academic/Research Institutions (Inter Library Loan):
Up to 2 books at a time can be issued to the institutes outside ICFRE setup on Inter-Library Loan for a period of one month provided that the borrowing institute also reciprocates the facility to ICFRE. However, this limit of 2 books will not be applicable to the ICFRE institutes.
For becoming a member of the National Forest Library one has to apply on prescribed application form. The member will be issued library passbook, which is strictly non transferable.

3.        Books can be borrowed in the manner prescribed for home use for a specified period from the Circulation Department during the working hours of the Department and must be returned on or before the date marked on the ‘Date Slip’ of the book.

4.        The following types of material shall not be issued for home reading:
a. Reference works
b. Uncatalogued material
c. Latest issues of journals.
d. Maps and topographical sheets.
e. Theses/dissertations.
f. Rare and out of print documents.
g. Abstracting/indexing bibliographical periodicals.
h. CD-ROMs
i. Any other material which in the option of the Chief Librarian, is not desirable to be issued on loan for its safety and security.

 5. Period of Loan:
 a. Regular membership
S. No
Entitlement for No. of books
a. Research Assistants/Research 
   Officers and above
b.  Scientist/ DCF and above


1 Month
Technical and other staff
15 days
a. Research scholar (JRF, SRF, Research/Project associate, Field/project assistant, Library fellow).
b.  Students of FRI University


15 Days
a Officers, Faculty of IGNFA, SFS College and FSI
b.   IFS and SFS probationers


1 Month
Special members
1 month
Inter Library Loan
1 Month

b. Temporary membership
S. No
Entitlement for No. of books
Consultants engaged by ICFRE head quarters and FRI
15 days

 However, in an urgent need the issued documents can be recalled.
6. Overdue Charges:
Overdue charges on book not returned on due date, shall be payable by the borrowers at the following rates:
  1. Delay up to 1 week : Rs. 2/-
  2. Delay up to 2 week : Rs. 5/-
  3. Delay up to 3 week : Rs. 10/-
  4. Delay up to 30 days : Rs. 20/-
If a member delays returning of a book beyond 30 days his membership shall be liable to be cancelled, besides payment of overdue charge as determined by the Chief Librarian.
 7. Waiver of Overdue Charges :
In very special cases viz. When the borrower falls sick, deputed on an urgent notice by the higher authorities to leave the headquarters, overdue charges can be exempted/reduced by the Chief Librarian.
 8. Loss of Library Passbook:
In the event of loss of the library passbook the user shall immediately report in writing to the Chief Librarian. Duplicate passbook may be issued to the borrower, after through checking in the library records, on payment of Rs. 200/-. If any book is found issued on the lost passbook it shall be the responsibility of the borrower in whose name on the book was issued. To return the book or pay its cost etc, as fixed by Chief Librarian.
9. Loss/Damage of Borrowed Books:
a. Borrower shall immediately report of the Chief Librarian in the event of loss of book(s) borrowed, which will be suitably dealt with before further book(s) is are issued.
b. It shall be the responsibility of the borrower to keep the document clean and in good condition while in their custody. If an issued document is damaged, disfigured, market in by pencil or pen, mutilated of cost, while in the custody of a borrower shall have to pay damages or compensation in term of money.
c. If one volume of a set is issued and is lost while in custody of a borrower, he/she may be liable to replace of complete set. If one issue of a periodical volume is damaged or lost he may be liable to replace the complete volume.
d. The damages or compensation may be equal to one or more of the following amount to be decided by the Chief Librarian:
i. Present cost of the cost of the book at which it was purchased by the library, which ever is higher.
ii. Postage at the rate of Rs. 20/- per volume.
iii. In case of bound volumes, binding cost of the rate of Rs. 50/- per volume.
iv. Overdue charges, if the book id overdue also.
10. Reservation of books:
Borrower may get book reserved for them if the book has been issued to someone else at that time. They will be required to fill in a reservation from with relevant information. When the book is returned it will be reserved for the desirous reader for a maximum or period which will be specified on the intimation which will be displayed on the notice board of the National Forest Library.
 11. Cancellation of Membership:
To a member desiring cancellation of library memberships, “No Dues Certificate” shall be issued by the library only when all dues are cleared by the borrower. He/she shall also be required to return the “library passbook” issued to him/her failing which he/she shall have to pay Rs. 200/-

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