

This blog is created by the Interns of National Forest Library and Information Centre.

About us

The history of the library has been running parallel to the history of the Forest Research Institute (FRI) since 1906. The library started with a few hundred books and a few periodical titles in English and German languages accommodated in a small room. However, upon shifting of the FRI to its newly constructed magnificent building on Chakrata Road in 1929 the library was provided with a sufficient space in the front wing next to the convocation hall, having all facilities that were required at that time. Later a separate building for the library was constructed on Chaturvedi Road in the campus and the library was shifted there to accommodate 1.5 lakh books and display about 300 current journal titles. With the constitution of the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) as an autonomous body under the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. of India in the year 1986, the then Central Library of FRI was upgraded to National Forest Library and Information Centre (NFLIC), the acquisition of books and subscription to journals increased manifold. Besides, the NFLIC also started computerization of its operations. Several CD-ROM based bibliographical databases started being acquired. A new modern library building with all up-to-date facilities was constructed on the Pearson Road, and the NFLIC shifted therein in the year 2000. 
The NFLIC adopted an open access system and installed electromagnetic security system for controlling pilferage of documents. The major portion of the books in the NFLIC is, of course, related to forestry. But there is a large collection of documents on chemistry, biological sciences, agriculture, etc. There is an excellent Reference Section stocked with encyclopaedias, dictionaries, directories, handbooks and rare books, etc. Besides, it maintains a grey literature collection on forestry which comprises documents like theses and dissertations, research reports, conference proceedings, forest working plans, etc. which are neither formally published nor available commercially. The NFLIC maintain 7,025 Ledger Files containing research and other useful articles on different forest species, subjects, and countries.
      The most remarkable of the journal titles in the collection are Transactions of the Zoological Society of London from the year 1835; Transactions of the Scottish Arboricultural Society from 1872; Transactions of the Linnean Society of London from 1875; Justus Leibig’s Annalen Der Chemie from 1880; Nature from 1873; Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry from 1882; and Indian Forester from 1875. The current journal titles include almost all the titles published on forestry from India and abroad and other important Indian and foreign journals on related subjects like agriculture, biological sciences, chemistry, etc. It also subscribes bibliographical databases like Forest Science on CD-ROM. The NFLIC has computerized its housekeeping as well as information retrieval functions by designing integrated software, which has also facilitated the access of the NFLIC on-line. Besides, the NFLIC provides all other services to its user viz. reference, referral, circulation, reprography, inter-library loan, etc. 

        The marketing of the publications of FRI is an important activity. The NFLIC has been entrusted with the work of marketing of all the documents published by the institute.

        The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India designated the NFLIC as ENVIS Centre on Forestry in the year 1997. The Centre has taken up the challenge and initiated a number of the services under the project.

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