

This blog is created by the Interns of National Forest Library and Information Centre.

Our services

3.     Conference Alerts 
4.     NewsAlerts 
5.     Article on demand 
Scholars can leave an email for article which is not accessible in campus. This service is based on the response of other libraries and information managers. Please demand only one article at a time with web link and full address.
6.     Reprography Services
Reprography service is also available inside the NFLIC. Its cost is Rs. 1.00 (one side) and Rs. 2.00/- (both side). Photocopy of full book is highly restricted due to copyright issues.
7.     Inter Library Loan Services
8.     Reading List/ Bibliography Compilation
9.     Digital Library Services
a.      National Forest Archives                
b.     Indian Thesis 
d.     National Digital Library of India           
e.      E-Contents                             

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